Hello. My name is Dalai, u can call me Danna. I graduated NUM (National University of Mongolia) in 2015 as a “Financial Manager”. Since then, i worked at some different companies in Mongolia as from a Logistics assistant to a Budget controller. I started master degree in Russia by Finance related subject. But at the moment am living in Mongolia because of the closed border.
And most importantly, i just hardly want to work as a Financial analyst in the global workforce platform.
However, i do not know from where and HOW to start
Please help me, please MENTOR me.
The reason of desiring to work from whenever is I just want to live without any limitations of work hours and boring org environment and unwritten rules. And want to live with full taste of life by doing things that I loved such as sports, hobbies with no worry about money.
By the way, i like write posts to blog.
Also , i have a little bit interest in Excel VBA, Macro but not good, just once upon a time tried a little bit and made some reports using them.